Avocado & Crumbled Tofu Sandwich

The reason I’m including this delicious, rapidly made lunch bagel is because I just finished eating it myself. This is a recipe I make myself about once every week. It’s made in an only a couple of minutes, is really filling, has several healthy fats and is quite high in protein. Practically, all I’m looking for in a lunch!

I would suggest either serving this on a bagel or a piece of baguette. I’ve tried serving it on bread slices, but for me, that does take away from the experience of this recipe. It could be a very personal thing, though, so try it out yourself!

Avocado and crumbled tofu sandwich on a plate

Avocado & Crumbled Tofu Sandwich

Stefan Kleinekoort
Prep Time 10 minutes
Course Main Course
Servings 2 people
Calories 550 kcal


  • 2 avocado
  • 2 bagels
  • 5 oz firm tofu
  • salt, pepper, and garlic powder to taste
  • cherry tomatoes optional
  • vegan mayonnaise optional


  • Cut the avocados in half, take out the pit, and cut the fruit of the avocado into pieces.
  • Take the tofu out of the packaging and put it into some kitchen paper. Squeeze until most of the fluids are absorbed by the kitchen towel. You don't want the tofu to be too wet.
  • Crumble the tofu into a bowl and throw the avocado pieces in as well. From here, mix and mash the tofu and avocado together.
  • Add salt, pepper, and garlic powder to taste.
  • Serve on a bagel or any form of bread you like. I would suggest adding cherry tomatoes and vegan mayonnaise to the sandwich.
Keyword Vegan